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Lead Underwriter
This is the Underwriter that leads an offering, located in the upper left hand side of the prospectus.
How are allocations determined?
Click reflects your order in an offering to the underwriter. The underwriter could allocate 100% of what we are asking for or they might not allocate any shares to Click. When an offering is oversubscribed, allocations tend to be much smaller. You ...
What is an IPO?
An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first time that the stock of a private company is offered to the public.
How do we get New Issues/Public Offerings?
Issuers and Underwriters are able to allocate shares to Retail Investors, globally, through our platform.
What is a price range and what does it mean?
The price range of an offering is usually in $2 increments ($18-$20 as an example). The Underwriters and Issuers believe the company is worth a price per share in this range. Institutional Investors place orders usually within this range, but ...