

An investment bank that works with the Issuer to take it public.
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    • Lead Underwriter

      This is the Underwriter that leads an offering, located in the upper left hand side of the prospectus.
    • How are allocations determined?

      Click reflects your order in an offering to the underwriter. The underwriter could allocate 100% of what we are asking for or they might not allocate any shares to Click. When an offering is oversubscribed, allocations tend to be much smaller. You ...
    • What is an IPO?

      An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first time that the stock of a private company is offered to the public.
    • How do we get New Issues/Public Offerings?

      Issuers and Underwriters are able to allocate shares to Retail Investors, globally, through our platform.
    • What is a price range and what does it mean?

      The price range of an offering is usually in $2 increments ($18-$20 as an example). The Underwriters and Issuers believe the company is worth a price per share in this range. Institutional Investors place orders usually within this range, but ...